Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA)
Implementation of Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) in Kenya
The Government of Kenya implemented the Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) system in Kenya, in line with the Directive by H.E the President on Visa Free Regime and the Kenya Gazette Supplement No.1 of January 2, 2024, on Kenya Citizenship and Immigration.
New Digital Portal: https://www.etakenya.go.ke
The new digital portal has been launched, http://www.etakenya.go.ke, to facilitate the seamless identification of travelers to Kenya in advance. This portal replaces the previously operational www.evisa.go.ke platform, effective January 5, 2024.
Important Changes:
Starting January 5, 2024, ALL travelers (with exceptions outlined below) will be required to apply for and pay the Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) before their journey to Kenya.
Exemptions from Obtaining eTA:
- Holders of valid Kenya Passports or one-way Emergency Certificates issued by Kenya Missions abroad.
- Holders of Kenya Permanent Residence, valid Work Permits, and Passes.
- Holders of valid United Nations Conventional Travel Documents issued by the Government of Kenya.
- Members of Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations Accredited to Kenya.
- Citizens of the East African Partner States (Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda) – Exempted for Six (6) months.
- Passengers in transit through Kenya who do not leave the precincts of Airports.
- Passengers arriving and leaving by the same ship who do not leave the ship.
- Members of the crew of any ship, aircraft, train, vehicle, or carrier proceeding to a destination outside Kenya.
- Owners of private aircraft stopping over for refueling in Kenya without leaving the airport precincts.
Persons Applying for eTA, but Exempted from Payment:
- Holders of Diplomatic, Official, or Service Passports on official duty.
- Holders of specific Laissez-Passers for official business purposes (United Nations, African Union, African Development Bank, Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, and others – see the complete list below).
Laissez-Passers Exempted from eTA Payment:
- United Nations Organization
- African Union
- African Development Bank
- Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
- International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa
- Desert Locust Control Organization
- International Monetary Fund and World Bank
- Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
- African Airlines Travel Association (IATA)
- Environment Liaison Centre International (ELCI)
- Union of Radio, Television Network of Africa (URTNA)
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- European Union
- CIP (International Potato Centre)
- African Reinsurance Corporation (ARC)
- African Housing Fund (AHF)
We encourage all travelers to visit https://www.etakenya.go.ke for detailed information on the eTA application process and to ensure a smooth travel experience to Kenya.